Life is feudal steam id
Life is feudal steam id

life is feudal steam id

This Influence Zone was a feature added to stop people from putting up private claims to harass guilds. The guild claim was divided into three parts: The town claim, a 20 block diameter circle that radiates out from the monument, the realm claim, which expands as your monument upgrades and the influence zone which is a zone that determines how far your guild influence reaches. Īfter the construction, a certain number of land property or a claim was held by guild. The guild monument is a structure in the form of a sword thrust into the ground.

life is feudal steam id

After a guild claimed lands, the number of registered members must have remained at or above 10 for the monument to keep standing and the lands to remain property of the guild. Establishing a guild only required one person, but the holding of a "Guild Claim" required at least 10 players to be officially registered as a member of that guild. This feature allowed players to divide duties between community members to quicken in-game progress. Life is Feudal encouraged players to collaborate via its guilds system. Players could dig tunnels, create canyons, mounds, lower and raise the ground according to their own needs. However, only soft ground material could be raised or lowered, and there were limitations in modifying the terrain depending on the fall off mechanics of the material. When lowering terrain the players gains a chunk of material removed from the ground while it costs 1 chunk of material in raising the ground. In Life is Feudal, terrain could be modified by either lowering or raising the tile by 0.1 from its height. In-game terrain was divided into cells, each of which is assigned a height value relative to sea level.

life is feudal steam id

Life is Feudal: MMO's gameplay occurred in a persistent 21x21 km map and included mechanisms for guilds of players to claim land and build trade routes.


Life is Feudal: MMO supported full terraforming of the environment, free construction, a branched system of crafts, survival elements, a non-armored combat system and realistic physics.

Life is feudal steam id